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Bitstream to Float Type Coercion

I'm having trouble getting the following code to work correctly. Using an online IEEE-754 converter, I wrote out (by hand) to the testData.txt file that is read with the bit string that should signify the floating point number 75.5; the actual cout.write does show that the bit string is as I expect as well. However, when I try to coerce the char* into a float using a union (as I have seen is a typical way to accomplish this conversion) the resulting float is not the number I expect.


int main( int, char** )

    std::ifstream inputFile( "testData.txt", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
    if( !inputFile ) std::cout << "Failed to open input file!" << std::endl;

    char buffer[ CHAR_BIT * sizeof(float) ];
    inputFile.read( buffer, CHAR_BIT * sizeof(float) );

    std::cout << "cout.write of input from file = ";
    std::cout.write( buffer, CHAR_BIT * sizeof(float) );
    std::cout << std::endl;

    union { float f; char* c; } fToCharStarUnion;

    fToCharStarUnion.c = buffer;
    std::bitset< sizeof(float) * CHAR_BIT > bits( std::string( fToCharStarUnion.c ) );
    std::cout << "fToCharStarUnion.f = " << fToCharStarUnion.f << " bits = " << bits << std::endl;

    return 0;

The return result of running this is:

cout.write of input from file = 01000010100101110000000000000000
fToCharStarUnion.f = -1.61821e+38 bits = 01000010100101110000000000000000

Is there something fundamental I am not doing which will make this work correctly?

Your union needs to include an array of char rather than a pointer.

union { float f; char c[sizeof(float)]; } float2char;

You will also then have to worry about endianness; is c[0] the exponent end of the float, or the tail of the mantissa. (The answer will vary depending on your hardware - Intel vs PPC or SPARC or ...)

You are translating the ASCII into bits using the constructor of bitset . That causes your decoded bits to be in the bitset object rather than the union . To get raw bits out of a bitset, use the to_ulong method:


int main( int, char** )

    std::ifstream inputFile( "testData.txt",
       std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
    if( !inputFile ) std::cout << "Failed to open input file!" << std::endl;

    char buffer[ CHAR_BIT * sizeof(float) ];
    inputFile.read( buffer, CHAR_BIT * sizeof(float) );

    std::cout << "cout.write of input from file = ";
    std::cout.write( buffer, CHAR_BIT * sizeof(float) );
    std::cout << std::endl;

    union {
        float f[ sizeof(unsigned long)/sizeof(float) ];
        unsigned long l;
    } funion;

    funion.l = std::bitset<32>( std::string( buffer ) ).to_ulong();
    std::cout << "funion.f = " << funion.f[0]
       << " bits = " << std::hex <<funion.l << std::endl;

    return 0;

This generally assumes that your FPU operates with the same endianness as the integer part of your CPU, and that sizeof(long) >= sizeof(float) … less guaranteed for double , and indeed the trick is harder to make portable for 32-bit machines with 64-bit FPUs.

Edit: now that I've made the members of the union equal sized, I see that this code is sensitive to endianness. The decoded float will be in the last element of the array on a big-endian machine, first element on little-endian. :v( . Maybe the best approach would be to attempt to give the integer member of the union exactly as many bits as the FP member, and perform a narrowing cast after getting to_ulong . Very difficult to maintain the standard of portability you seemed to be shooting for in the original code.

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