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Conditional breakpoint in Visual Studio

I want to set a breakpoint on a certain line in C# code when some other variable is equal to a specific value, say:

MyStringVariable == "LKOH"

How can I do that?

I tried to right click on breakpoint icon -> Condition and then typed MyStringVariable == "LKOH" and Visual Studio said it cannot evaluate it.

if (MyStringVariable == "LKOH") Debugger.Break();

you'll need System.Diagnostics namespace


Sample code:

static void Main(string[] args) {
  string myvar;
  for (int ix = 0; ix < 10; ++ix) {
    if (ix == 5) myvar = "bar"; else myvar = "foo";
  }    // <=== Set breakpoint here

Condition: myvar == "bar"

Works well.

Just like in code, you need to use:

MyStringVariable == "LKOH"

The double-equals is the key. Without it, it's saying it can't evaluate because your expression doesn't evaluate to a boolean.

You should be able to make this work. Are you using the Exchange instance name in the condition? The condition should be something like myExchange.Name == "LKOH" not Exchange.Name == "LKOH" .

By the way, using the assignment operator = instead of the equality operator == will work but it will set the property and waste 1/2 hour of your time figuring out what the hell is going on. I made this mistake just yesterday.

In my case, I forgot that I was debugging a VB application.

In VB equality is = not == like many other languages, thus my conditional breakpoint needed to be myString = "someValue" not myString == "someValue"

The variable you are testing for needs to be in scope at the breakpoint.

var x = "xxx";
  var y = "yyy";

brak(); // x is in scope, y isn't

For me this made it hit the conditional breakpoint.


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