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How do I use buttons and text boxes in a winform application in C#?

I'm trying to make my console application into a winforms application.

The console version would ask for multiple inputs, then return output.

For the winforms version, I want to have multiple text boxes for the user to enter the data, with a button to reset them all, and another to actually perform the calculation. Then there'd be a display to show the result (I'm guessing it would be another text box).

Basically I've figured out how to add the buttons and text boxes for input/calculation, but I'm not sure how to display the output, or add functionality to all of this.

Edit: Should I be using Masked Text Boxes if I want to keep the user from using invalid input (anything that isn't a positive integer)?

Start by looking here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/books/1861004982.aspx , it's a little old but still relevant.

Also have a look on the official Microsoft site: http://windowsclient.net/learn/videos.aspx

GUI development is tricky, fun and exciting, all at the same time!

EDIT: I should point out I'm linking to things because at this point, being able to learn a new technology (such as WinForms) by yourself, from documentation and the internet, is invaluable to your future skills development.


 public partial class Form2 : Form
        Button reset = new Button();
        Button compute = new Button();
        Panel pnl = new Panel();

        public Form2()

            reset.Text = "reset";
            compute.Text = "compute";
            pnl.Name = "pnl";

            reset.Click += new EventHandler(reset_Click);
            compute.Click += new EventHandler(compute_Click); 



            foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls)
                ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Top;


        void compute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int tot=0;
            foreach (TextBox txt in pnl.Controls)
                tot += int.Parse(txt.Text);

            MessageBox.Show("total is:" + tot.ToString());

        void reset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (TextBox txt in pnl.Controls)
                txt.Text = "0";

        private void init()

            //5 textbox
            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                TextBox t = new TextBox();
                t.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
                t.Text = "0";


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