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Best way to remove trailing slashes in URLs with PHP

I have some URLs, like www.amazon.com/ , www.digg.com or www.microsoft.com/ and I want to remove the trailing slash, if it exists, so not just the last character. Is there a trim or rtrim for this?

You put rtrim in your answer, why not just look it up?

$url = rtrim($url,"/");

As a side note, look up any PHP function by doing the following:

( rtrim stands for 'Right trim')

简单且适用于 Windows 和 Unix:

$url = rtrim($url, '/\\')

I came here looking for a way to remove trailing slash and redirect the browser, I have come up with an answer that I would like to share for anyone coming after me:

//remove trailing slash from uri
if( ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != "/") and preg_match('{/$}',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ) {
    header ('Location: '.preg_replace('{/$}', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));

The ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != "/") will avoid host URI eg www.amazon.com/ because web browsers always send a trailing slash after a domain name , and preg_match('{/$}',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) will match all other URI with trailing slash as last character. Then preg_replace('{/$}', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) will remove the slash and hand over to header() to redirect. The exit() function is important to stop any further code execution.

$urls="www.amazon.com/ www.digg.com/ www.microsoft.com/";
echo preg_replace("/\b\//","",$urls);

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