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standard choice of the font for a website


Not really, although you'll get a good feel for what is generally used if you spent some time on the internet.

There is always a problem (when using fonts online) that your user may not have the font. This is why the font-family lets you provide multiple fonts. Here is a helpful list of fonts that exist on Windows and Mac OS . As of CSS3 we have @font-face which lets us use fonts that we provide.

Well, there is no standard for fonts at all, except for the generic fonts defined in CSS.

Helvetica is a font that is available on most systems. Use the generic font sans-serif as fallback. Arial is the Microsoft equivalent of Helvetica.

The size is a little tricker as it can vary somewhat between implementations of a font, but 14px normally gives you the same size as this text.

body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size 14px; }

Well there is no general guideline on which font to use on a website it is always best to use web friendly fonts which are defined on WikiPedia as

Web-safe fonts are fonts likely to be present on a wide range of computer systems, and used by web content authors to increase the likelihood that content will be displayed in their chosen font. If a visitor to a website does not have the specified font, their browser will attempt to select a similar alternative, based on the author-specified fallback fonts and generic families.

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