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XSD Restrictions based on target xml elements

Is it possible in xsd to create restriction based on elements of some type in target (processed) document?

For example I have XML like this:

 <Pet name="Murka" />
 <Pet name="Browko" />
 <Pet name="Tuzik" />

 <Child name="Petruk" favoritePet="Browko" />

so what I want to restrict the attribute "favoritePet" of element "Child" based on existing "Pet" elements. How can I do this?

No, with the current XSD 1.0 specifications, you cannot do these kind of dependencies.

Should XSD 1.1 become a reality, then yes, that would support these kind of "assertions" - but I don't think anyone supports and uses XSD 1.1 at this time.

I found that "keyref" is an answer to my question :) It is solved now. Here is the resource .

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