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how to execute javascript in delphi?

I am coding a small app ,in middle i struck at some point where i have to execute javascript to get my data ?

in my process ,i have to login to some url and then go to some page and have to get data from that . i done all this with indy idhttp ,i got all info except one column which needs javascript to get value ,then i tried using twebbowser to make it work for me ,but how can i use cookies to enabled to webbrowser ?

i navigated browserto(' http://mysite.com/login.php user and pass ') ,well its loged in and then i tried to access next link like (' http://mysite.com/link1/example.php ')but it directing to login page :(

any help appreciated :)

What is your question now? In the title you ask how to execute JavaScript. Try the following:


function ExecuteScript(doc: IHTMLDocument2; script: string; language: string): Boolean;
  win: IHTMLWindow2;
  Olelanguage: Olevariant;
  if doc <> nil then
      win := doc.parentWindow;
      if win <> nil then
          Olelanguage := language;
          win.ExecScript(script, Olelanguage);
          win := nil;
      doc := nil;

Sample usage:

IDoc: IHTMLDocument2;
Webbrowser1.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, iDoc);
ExecuteScript(iDoc, 'document.login.submit()', 'JavaScript'); 

(This, and more, can be found here ).

Then in the text you ask how to use cookies (when using TWebBrowser this should happen automatically). When using Indy HTTP, you just have to attach a TIdCookieManager to your TIdHTTPClient instance, thats all (but you probably don't want to use that anyway, due to the script requirement....)

Your best bet would be to automate IE itself. Grab a copy of embeddedwb , drop on a form and navigate to the url which you need to execute something. There is a document property of the component which returns an OLEVariant, use this to execute a DHTML style statement.. something like document.form.submit; .

You can easily hide the window used for automation, one technique I have used is to place it on a new page on a page control, add a second page to display the status, then show the status page and hide the tabs.

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