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id vs class selection benchmark

Has anybody bench marked selecting elements with id's and class's from CSS and javascript?

It would make sense that an element with an id is faster to select than if it had a class even if it was the only element with that class.

Do I really need to be concerned?

When searching for an id , the selector will halt as soon as it's found a match (even if there are many) - I assume there's some sort of key/value lookup table for this purpose, as it's much faster than DOM traversal. Here's why , and here's an excerpt:

It's still much better to select by ID...because jQuery uses the browser's native method (getElementByID) to do this and doesn't have to do any of it's own DOM traversal, which is much faster.

The linked results there show >100x speed improvement with id vs class .

When searching for a class , the entire DOM (or scope) is searched. Here's a benchmark using scope .

You can benchmark selectors in your own browser here .

I don't think you should be really that concerned : selecting by id and selection by class just don't have the same meaning :

  • If you want to select an element, knowing how to uniquely identify it, use it's id
  • If you want to select one or many elements, knowing there might be more than one, note having a way to uniquely identify it/them, use the class .

Still, here's a benchmark that could interest you : Speed/validity selectors test for frameworks.

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