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Using zc.buildout, how do I install a tarball from a website?

I'm trying to get zc.buildout to install Gunicorn from source. Using the following configuration:

recipe = collective.recipe.distutils
url = http://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/tarball/master

results in the following error:

SystemError: ('Failed', '"/usr/bin/python" setup.py -q install --install-  purelib="/mnt/hgfs/Projects/intranation/parts/site-packages" --install-platlib="/mnt/hgfs/Projects/intranation/parts/site-packages"')

Providing a --install-dir or --prefix doesn't help.

Is there a recipe for zc.buildout that downloads a tarball and installs it via easy_install or similar?

You can "just" install it. On the command line, "easy_install http://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/tarball/master " works fine.

The buildout equivalent would be to have a dependency on "gunicorn" (so that buildout attempts installing it) and to tell buildout that your github link is actually gunicorn. You do that with find-links:

  find-links =
  parts = console_scripts

  recipe = zc.recipe.egg
  eggs = gunicorn

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