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How can I generate a custom python interpreter using zc.buildout that includes my initialization code?

I am having some difficulty with zc.buildout for an App Engine project. I'd like buildout to generate a python interpreter in bin/ that contains the path adjustment required based upon library version specified in app.yaml . This way I can use this generated python script whenever I have command line scripts or interactive shell work to do.

This is the code I want inserted:

import dev_appserver

Here is my buildout.cfg:

parts =
# Downloads and extracts the App Engine SDK.
recipe = appfy.recipe.gae:sdk
url = http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/google_appengine_1.8.9.zip
destination = ${buildout:parts-directory}
hash-name = false
clear-destination = true
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
interpreter = python
initialization = 
    import dev_appserver
extra-paths =

Turns out I was missing some magic to zc.recipe.egg to make it work properly. Here is the correct source

parts =
# Downloads and extracts the App Engine SDK.
recipe = appfy.recipe.gae:sdk
url = http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/google_appengine_1.8.9.zip
destination = ${buildout:parts-directory}
hash-name = false
clear-destination = true
# use the scripts entry point, not just zc.recipe.egg
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
interpreter = python
initialization =
    import dev_appserver
# even if empty, must be here or else it errors...
eggs =
extra-paths =

Which Generates the proper bin/python as

import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
import dev_appserver

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