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What does the C++ output of the HipHop PHP compiler look like?

它是否足够干净,您可以放弃PHP并手动优化C ++代码?

Short answer: no .

Since I spent some time to get HipHop to work, I decided to share my results here so I don't feel like a COMPLETE waste of time.

Here's my PHP input:


class test {
 function loop() {
  for($i=0; $i<10; ++$i) {
    echo("i = $i\n");

$t = new test();


And here's the C++ output...

#include <php/hello.h>
#include <cpp/ext/ext.h>

namespace HPHP {

/* preface starts */
/* preface finishes */
/* SRC: hello.php line 3 */
Variant c_test::os_get(const char *s, int64 hash) {
  return c_ObjectData::os_get(s, hash);
Variant &c_test::os_lval(const char *s, int64 hash) {
  return c_ObjectData::os_lval(s, hash);
void c_test::o_get(ArrayElementVec &props) const {
bool c_test::o_exists(CStrRef s, int64 hash) const {
  return c_ObjectData::o_exists(s, hash);
Variant c_test::o_get(CStrRef s, int64 hash) {
  return c_ObjectData::o_get(s, hash);
Variant c_test::o_set(CStrRef s, int64 hash, CVarRef v,bool forInit /* = false */) {
  return c_ObjectData::o_set(s, hash, v, forInit);
Variant &c_test::o_lval(CStrRef s, int64 hash) {
  return c_ObjectData::o_lval(s, hash);
Variant c_test::os_constant(const char *s) {
  return c_ObjectData::os_constant(s);
ObjectData *c_test::cloneImpl() {
  c_test *obj = NEW(c_test)();
  return obj;
void c_test::cloneSet(c_test *clone) {
Variant c_test::o_invoke(const char *s, CArrRef params, int64 hash, bool fatal) {
  if (hash < 0) hash = hash_string_i(s);
  switch (hash & 1) {
    case 1:
      HASH_GUARD(0x0EA59CD1566F5709LL, loop) {
        return (t_loop(), null);
  return c_ObjectData::o_invoke(s, params, hash, fatal);
Variant c_test::o_invoke_few_args(const char *s, int64 hash, int count, CVarRef a0, CVarRef a1, CVarRef a2, CVarRef a3, CVarR
ef a4, CVarRef a5) {
  if (hash < 0) hash = hash_string_i(s);
  switch (hash & 1) {
    case 1:
      HASH_GUARD(0x0EA59CD1566F5709LL, loop) {
        return (t_loop(), null);
  return c_ObjectData::o_invoke_few_args(s, hash, count, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
Variant c_test::os_invoke(const char *c, const char *s, CArrRef params, int64 hash, bool fatal) {
  return c_ObjectData::os_invoke(c, s, params, hash, fatal);
Variant cw_test$os_get(const char *s) {
  return c_test::os_get(s, -1);
Variant &cw_test$os_lval(const char *s) {
  return c_test::os_lval(s, -1);
Variant cw_test$os_constant(const char *s) {
  return c_test::os_constant(s);
Variant cw_test$os_invoke(const char *c, const char *s, CArrRef params, bool fatal /* = true */) {
  return c_test::os_invoke(c, s, params, -1, fatal);
void c_test::init() {
/* SRC: hello.php line 4 */
void c_test::t_loop() {
  INSTANCE_METHOD_INJECTION(test, test::loop);
  int64 v_i = 0;

    for ((v_i = 0LL); less(v_i, 10LL); ++v_i) {
        echo((LINE(6,concat3("i = ", toString(v_i), "\n"))));
} /* function */
Object co_test(CArrRef params, bool init /* = true */) {
  return Object(p_test(NEW(c_test)())->dynCreate(params, init));
Variant pm_php$hello_php(bool incOnce /* = false */, LVariableTable* variables /* = NULL */) {
    bool &alreadyRun = g->run_pm_php$hello_php;
    if (alreadyRun) { if (incOnce) return true;}
    else alreadyRun = true;
    if (!variables) variables = g;
  LVariableTable *gVariables __attribute__((__unused__)) = get_variable_table();
  Variant &v_t __attribute__((__unused__)) = (variables != gVariables) ? variables->get("t") : g->GV(t);

  (v_t = ((Object)(LINE(11,p_test(p_test(NEWOBJ(c_test)())->create())))));
  LINE(12,v_t.o_invoke_few_args("loop", 0x0EA59CD1566F5709LL, 0));
  return true;
} /* function */


Yuck! It took me several seconds to even find the loop...

>> "A C++ programmer writing from scratch would have written the same thing with almost the same size of code than your php snippet (using STL)."

A G-WAN ANSI C scripts programmer writing from scratch would have written the (massively more efficient) code below:

static inline void loop(xbuf_t *reply) 
  int i = 0; 
  while(i < 10)
    xbuf_xcat(reply, "i = %d\n", i++);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   xbuf_t *reply = get_reply(argv);
   return 200;

The curious will benchmark each implementation. The really curious will check memory usage.

Even Lighttpd or Nginx with natively pre-compiled C++ is slower than G-WAN's C scripts.

Food for thoughts...

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