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Distributed Lucene.NET

I have a Terabyte of data, maybe more, which I'd like to index and search with Lucene. I'd like to be able to split the index out to different machines, similar to what Solr does (if I understand Solr correctly).

Are there any existing tools to do this on the Windows platform?


Edit : I'm not very keen on running Java Lucene. I will most likely be making my own tweaks to Lucene so I have to stick to Lucene.Net since I don't know much about Java

What you're looking for is Katta . Here's a graph of how it works: 卡塔
(source: sourceforge.net )

But since you already know Solr, why not just use its sharding capabilities directly?

据我所知,没有将MultiPassIndexSplitter( http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_0_0/api/contrib-misc/org/apache/lucene/index/MultiPassIndexSplitter.html )类移植到Lucene.net,因此此功能可能尚未实现。

Solr is a Java app so it runs on Windows. You can find details on how to configure it as a Windows service here: http://blog.ianbattersby.com/archive/2010/02/09/apache-solr-as-a-windows-service

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