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jboss username and password for login


Under your JBoss application server directory, look for a file named:


There will be a block called:

<application-policy name="jmx-console">

... which will tell where your file-based username=password combinations are stored. I believe the default path is:


By default credential in Jboss is Given below

        login: admin
      password: admin

But if you use EAP these credential are turn off by default and there is no active user (security reasons :)). If you want to turn on these user you have to edit file in your current profile: ./deploy/management/console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/WEB-INF/classes/web-console-users.properties. It should be enough to remove # sign form the line with the user.

If you want to create new user don't forget to set up correct groups in

             web-console-roles.properties file.

You can easly find information where these information are store. Just open the ./conf/login-config.xml file and find the proper security domain definition. In case of Web Console application it will be web-console policy. or

in JBoss application server directory you have to look for a file named which is given below:


Inside this file search for application and go to below tags

         <application-policy name="jmx-console">

which will tell where your file-based username=password combinations are stored. I think that default path is:


User: jboss Password: passw0rd

If you are referring to JBoss' console user/password.

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