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shared_ptr as class member

It's common to declared contained objects as a pointers to that class, while "forward declarating" them in header file. This in order to reduce physical dependencies in code.

For example

class B;  // forward declaration   

class A {
      B* pB;

Would it be good idea to declare such a member as shared_ptr, instead of naked pointer?

I would prefer scoped_ptr, but AFAIK it it won't be in standard.

Yes you can (should ?).

This is a common practice . As you stated it avoids the need to explicitely call delete().

You can go even further. Here is an example:

class RSAKey



    shared_ptr<RSA> d_rsa; // A pointer to a RSA structure from OpenSSL

Which I initialize like this:

  RSA* rsa = RSA_generate_key(1024, 1, NULL, NULL);

  if (NULL == rsa) throw DummyException();

  d_rsa.reset(rsa, RSA_free); // Note the specific release method.

When d_rsa will no longer be used, an automatic call to RSA_free() will occur. Isn't that cool ?!


If C++11 is an option, you should probably better use std::unique_ptr instead which has less overhead and is movable.

It depends on how you want your enclosing class to behave in regards to copy.

If this pointer is not passed out of your class impelementation and execution speed is crucial, use scoped_ptr instead of shared_ptr. shared_ptr has an overhead.

Using a shared_ptr would allow you to pass ownership to another object, so that it doesn't get destroyed when your outer object is destroyed. You state that this won't be a concern in this particular case.

The only advantage a smart pointer will have is that you won't need to remember to put a delete pB in your destructor. That may be enough advantage for most people.

When you don't need to worry about ownership issues, even an auto_ptr will be good enough.

In the case of a composition, yes it is a good idea if you don't want physical dependency. Then your B will be destroyed automatically when A is.

If you don't mind physical dependency, you can just hold the data member by value.

(You can also check for the pimpl idiom if physical dependency is a problem.)

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