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help me to cheat with numericUpDown1_ValueChanged event

I have a Form and numericupdown control located on it. I want that in some conditions (_condition1) user cannot be able to change a value of numericupdown control. How can I do it ? I wrote some code but it works twice (double time).

class Form1 : Form
    bool _condition1;

    int _previousValue;

    void numericUpDown1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                 numericUpDown1.Value = (decimal)_previousValue;
                 _previousValue = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;

Control must be enable.

numericUpDown1.ReadOnly = true;


.... edit: ..........

Another (ugly) solution would be to remove the event, change the value, and add the event again ..

numericupdown1.ValueChanged -= new EventHandler ....
numericupdown1.Value = value;
numericupdown1.ValueChanged += new EventHandler ....

Have you tried using the Validating event?

EDIT #1 Have you tried the Leave event?

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