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Float right is not working in IE 7 but works in FF IE8

I have this code

<div id="facebook_bar"> 
  <div style="float:left;">
  <img src="images/topbar_followus.png" width="70" height="25" /> 
  <img src="images/topbar_twitIcon.png" width="30" height="25" /> 
  <img src="images/topbar_fbicon.png" width="30" height="25" />
    <div id="newsletter_box"> 

   <img src="images/topbar_subscribe.png" width="220" height="25" />
      <input type="text" name="cm-ktkykk-ktkykk" id="ktkykk-ktkykk" />
      <input type="image" src="images/btn_submit.png" width="55" height="25" />


css is

#facebook_bar {
#newsletter_box {


The right hand div is showing on next line after the first div not on the same line

I initally posted this as a comment but might as well give you it as an answer.

Why don't you just use float:left for both #newsletter_box and the inline floated div. This will ensure they both sit at the same position vertically, you can then adjust the horizontal positioning using % widths.

I'd also check out this article to clear the float because you have images involved.


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