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How can I use "<" and ">" in javadoc without formatting?

If I write <xmlElement> in a javadoc, it does not appear, because tags have special functions on formatting texts.

How can I show this chars in a javadoc?

You can use &lt; for < and &gt; for > .

Recent versions of JavaDoc support {@literal A<B>C}; this outputs the content correctly (escaping the '<' and '>' in the generated HTML).

See http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/javadoc/whatsnew-1.5.0.html

Considering XML is actual code, I believe XML snippets in Javadoc are better suited for the {@code A<B>C} tag rather than the {@literal A<B>C} tag.

The {@code } tag uses a fixed-width font which makes its content standout as actual code.

Escape them as HTML: &lt; and &gt;

You only need to use the HTML equivalent for one of the angle brackets. The < can be represented as either &lt; or &#60; . Here's a sample taken from real Javadoc:

    &lt;restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType">

This displays as:

     <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType">

If you set maven up to use markdown , you can just surround it with backticks.

`A<B>C` reads a bit nicer than {@code A<B>C}

Interposition of <pre> and {@code} saves angle brackets and empty lines in javadocs and is widely used, see java.util.Stream for example.




{@code <xmlElement>}

In my case where I wanted to put in my javadocs List<SomeClass> ...

I added an even more specific information by giving the link to my SomeClass , so here is my solution :

List<{@link SomeClass}>

Which resulted to a clean :


With underlined 'SomeClass' directing to the specified class.

(of course if the SomeClass is not in same package, the complete path should be referenced)

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