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How to customize Yii CGridView Pager?

如何自定义Yii CGridView寻呼机的位置,css,模板?

You can custumize via 'pager' CGridView properties. Example:

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
        'header'         => '',
        'firstPageLabel' => '<<',
        'prevPageLabel'  => '<img src="images/pagination/left.png">',
        'nextPageLabel'  => '<img src="images/pagination/right.png">',
        'lastPageLabel'  => '&gt;&gt;',

Here's another approach which worked for me.

Displaying Yii's CLinkPager "First" and "Last" Buttons

If you have troubles, make sure to read the comments below the entry.

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