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C# exporting e-mails to excel on widndows forms using microsoft.office.interop.excel

I need to export some data to excel in my forms aplication, so i used microsoft.office.interop.excel and everything is ok except one thing. When exporting client's email I would like to make it an mailto: link.

excellApp.Cells[row, 16] = "mailto:"+client.Email;

doesn't work

When I add hiperlink when exporting www field it looks like this:

excelWorkSheet.Hyperlinks.Add(excellApp.Cells[row, 14], client.Www, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

How can I export an email to have similar effect coz right now I have only simple fields without any action...?


excelWorkSheet.Hyperlinks.Add(excellApp.Cells[row, 14], "mailto:youremail@test.com", Type.Missing, "Someones Mail", Type.Missing);  

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