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What is operator<< <> in C++?

I have seen this in a few places, and to confirm I wasn't crazy, I looked for other examples . Apparently this can come in other flavors as well, eg operator+ <> .

However, nothing I have seen anywhere mentions what it is, so I thought I'd ask.

It's not the easiest thing to google operator<< <>( :-)

<> after a function name (including an operator, like operator<< ) in a declaration indicates that it is a function template specialization. For example, with an ordinary function template:

template <typename T>
void f(T x) { }

void f<>(int x) { } // specialization for T = int

(note that the angle brackets might have template arguments listed in them, depending on how the function template is specialized)

<> can also be used after a function name when calling a function to explicitly call a function template when there is a non-template function that would ordinarily be a better match in overload resolution:

template <typename T> 
void g(T x) { }   // (1)

void g(int x) { } // (2)

g(42);   // calls (2)
g<>(42); // calls (1)

So, operator<< <> isn't an operator.

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