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How can I check in code the Android version like 1.5 or 1.6

I need to check in code what Android release version is running currently on target device. Can you supply code example?

I was looking for this and didn't find a solution - ended up here and I figured it out myself so for anyone out there looking for this:

int SDK_INT = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;

this returns os sdk level 7 eclair 8 froyo etc

要获得Android的构建版本,如:2.2,2.3.3,4.0或4.0.3 ......请使用以下代码:

String deviceVersion = Build.VERSION.RELEASE;

I think this is a duplicate of my own question: ndk version at run time . Short answer: no easy way for a native application to do it (you could however run a Java app and communicate with it to get the version).

你可以在你的设备上执行getprop ro.build.version.release shell命令吗?

This works

also import the followng:

import com.android.phonetests.TEST_INTERFACE;
import android.os.Build;
import android.app.ActivityThread;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.IPackageManager;

private int GetSDKVersion()
    int version = 0;
    IPackageManager pm = ActivityThread.getPackageManager();
        //returns a ref to my application according to its application name
        ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo("com.android.phonetests", 0);

        if (applicationInfo != null) 
            version = applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion; ////this makes the same -> version = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT
            Log.i(LOG_TAG,"[DBG] version: " + version);  

            //2 is 5
            //2.01 6 (Donut - 2.01)
            //2.2  7 (Eclair - 2.2) currently it is Eclair_MR1 (Major Release)                  
            switch (version) 
                case Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR_MR1:
                Log.i(LOG_TAG,"[DBG] version: ECLAIR");//2.2  7 (Eclair - 2.2) currently it is Eclair_MR1 (Major Release)
                case Build.VERSION_CODES.DONUT:
                Log.i(LOG_TAG,"[DBG] version: DONUT");//2.01 6 (Donut - 2.01)
    catch (android.os.RemoteException e){}      
    return version;

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