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Shortcut for adding to List in a HashMap

I often have a need to take a list of objects and group them into a Map based on a value contained in the object. Eg. take a list of Users and group by Country.

My code for this usually looks like:

Map<String, List<User>> usersByCountry = new HashMap<String, List<User>>();
for(User user : listOfUsers) {
    if(usersByCountry.containsKey(user.getCountry())) {
        //Add to existing list

    } else {
        //Create new list
        List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(1);
        usersByCountry.put(user.getCountry(), users);

However I can't help thinking that this is awkward and some guru has a better approach. The closest I can see so far is the MultiMap from Google Collections .

Are there any standard approaches?


Since Java 8 you can make use of Map#computeIfAbsent() .

Map<String, List<User>> usersByCountry = new HashMap<>();

for (User user : listOfUsers) {
    usersByCountry.computeIfAbsent(user.getCountry(), k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(user);

Or, make use of Stream API's Collectors#groupingBy() to go from List to Map directly:

Map<String, List<User>> usersByCountry = listOfUsers.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(User::getCountry));

In Java 7 or below, best what you can get is below:

Map<String, List<User>> usersByCountry = new HashMap<>();

for (User user : listOfUsers) {
    List<User> users = usersByCountry.get(user.getCountry());
    if (users == null) {
        users = new ArrayList<>();
        usersByCountry.put(user.getCountry(), users);

Commons Collections has a LazyMap , but it's not parameterized. Guava doesn't have sort of a LazyMap or LazyList , but you can use Multimap for this as shown in answer of polygenelubricants below .

Guava's Multimap really is the most appropriate data structure for this, and in fact, there is Multimaps.index(Iterable<V>, Function<? super V,K>) utility method that does exactly what you want: take an Iterable<V> (which aList<V> is), and apply the Function<? super V, K> Function<? super V, K> to get the keys for the Multimap<K,V> .

Here's an example from the documentation:

For example,

 List<String> badGuys = Arrays.asList("Inky", "Blinky", "Pinky", "Pinky", "Clyde"); Function<String, Integer> stringLengthFunction = ...; Multimap<Integer, String> index = Multimaps.index(badGuys, stringLengthFunction); System.out.println(index);


 {4=[Inky], 5=[Pinky, Pinky, Clyde], 6=[Blinky]}

In your case you'd write a Function<User,String> userCountryFunction = ... .

We seem to do this a lot of times so I created a template class

public abstract class ListGroupBy<K, T> {
public Map<K, List<T>> map(List<T> list) {
    Map<K, List<T> > map = new HashMap<K, List<T> >();
    for (T t : list) {
        K key = groupBy(t);
        List<T> innerList = map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : new ArrayList<T>();
        map.put(key, innerList);
    return map;

protected abstract K groupBy(T t);

You just provide impl for groupBy

in your case

String groupBy(User u){return user.getCountry();}

When I have to deal with a collection-valued map, I just about always wind up writing a little putIntoListMap() static utility method in the class. If I find myself needing it in multiple classes, I throw that method into a utility class. Static method calls like that are a bit ugly, but they're much cleaner than typing the code out every time. Unless multi-maps play a pretty central role in your app, IMHO it's probably not worth it to pull in another dependency.

By using lambdaj you can obtain that result with just one line of code as it follows:

Group<User> usersByCountry = group(listOfUsers, by(on(User.class).getCountry()));

Lambdaj also offers lots of other features to manipulate collections with a very readable domain specific language.

Map<String, List<User>> usersByCountry = new HashMap<String, List<User>>();
for(User user : listOfUsers) {
    List<User> users = usersByCountry.get(user.getCountry());
    if (users == null) {        
        usersByCountry.put(user.getCountry(), users = new ArrayList<User>());

It looks like your exact needs are met by LinkedHashMultimap in the GC library. If you can live with the dependencies, all your code becomes:

SetMultimap<String,User> countryToUserMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
// .. other stuff, then whenever you need it:
countryToUserMap.put(user.getCountry(), user);

insertion order is maintained (about all it looks like you were doing with your list) and duplicates are precluded; you can of course switch to a plain hash-based set or a tree set as needs dictate (or a list, though that doesn't seem to be what you need). Empty collections are returned if you ask for a country with no users, everyone gets ponies, etc - what I mean is, check out the API. It'll do a lot for you, so the dependency might be worth it.

A clean and readable way to add an element is the following:

String country = user.getCountry();
Set<User> users
if (users.containsKey(country))
    users = usersByCountry.get(user.getCountry());
    users = new HashSet<User>();
    usersByCountry.put(country, users);

Note that calling containsKey and get is not slower than just calling get and testing the result for null .

ArrayList numbersList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8));

Map<Integer, Long> elementCountMap = numbersList.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), v -> 1L, Long::sum));


o/p:{1=2, 2=1, 3=3, 4=1, 5=1, 6=3, 7=1, 8=1}

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