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.NET Reflector and getters/setters issue

I'm using an up-to-date .NET Reflector to disassemble an internal legacy app whose source code is almost impossible to recover. I need to find the cause of a nasty bug, and then possibly patch it. Reflector did a good job as usual in the re-creation of the project's structure, but soon I discovered that some property calls were left "expanded" to its get_() and set_() method signatures, rendering the source code impossible to compile.

At first, I thought that every get/set call had the problem. But at a closer look, several of them are OK, while others (especially OleDbCommand and Forms.Control properties) will be generated as get_() and set_() .

A quick Visual Studio "Search/Replace" with regex solved these cases, but it's awkward. Is there a way to make Reflector behave correctly ?

EDIT 1 - Sample problematic code below:

/* Generated by .NET Reflector */
/* The variable selectCommand is a OleDbCommand. */
string parameterName = "@P" + Convert.ToString(num);
selectCommand.set_CommandText(selectCommand.get_CommandText() + " WHERE SIGLA = " + parameterName);
   Expected something like this (as ugly as it may seem):
   selectCommand.CommandText = selectCommand.CommandText + " WHERE SIGLA = " + parameterName;

EDIT 2 - The assembly was built in Release mode.

Where are you viewing the source code in Reflector? In the current version ( at the time of this writing), disassembling a type then clicking on "Expand Methods" at the bottom yields a full class definition with code, including the correct property syntax ( get { ... } and set { ... } )

This problem appears with disassembling to Managed C++, right? Might want to disassemble to C# code (there is dropdown in the toolstrip) and you will get the usual properties.

So even if this question is quite old an a correct answer will never be achieved, you can now maybe give the the new tool on the block ILSpy a chance.

Maybe it will produce some better source code out of the box.

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