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How to write INT64 to CString

I am coding in c++ windows.

INT64 dirID = -1;
CString querySQLStr = _T("");
querySQLStr.Format(L"select * from ImageInfo where FolderPath=%64d;", dirID);

querySQLStr always like this:
select * from ImageInfo where FolderPath=                                                            1214;

is it right to use %64d? Many Thanks

I don't have a windows machine handy to test this on, but I think CString should accept this:

querySQLStr.Format("%I64d", dirID);

It's probably worth noting that this is windows specific, but since you're using CString I guess that's okay.

i think you need to try this:

__int64 val;
ParamVal.Format( _T("%d{I64}"), val);


strCode.Format(_T("Code = %lld, Result = %I64d \n"),lCode,lResult);

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