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JDK tools.jar as maven dependency

I would like to put JDK tools.jar as compile dependency. I found some examples that indicate to use the systemPath property like the following:


The problem is that the path is not correct for Mac Os X (however it is correct for Windows and Linux). For it, the correct path is ${java.home}/../Classes/classes.jar .

I am looking for a way in order to define a maven property such that if system is detected as Mac Os X, value is set to ${java.home}/../Classes/classes.jar , otherwise it is set to ${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar (like it is possible to do with ANT). Does someone has an idea ?

That's what profiles are for, extract the path to a property, setup profiles for windows, OSX, etc, and define the property values appropriately.

Here's the doc page that discussing profiles for OSes: Maven Local Settings Model

It should endup looking something like this:


Thank you for introducing me maven profiles.

I have used profile as mentioned above and by activating a profile based on the presence of the desired file :


I posted this answer to highlight a mistake in the previous post : the property section can only be used in activation section in order to activate a profile based on the existence of the specified property. In order to define a property, the properties section must be used like above.

Hi I know you guys are all smart, but it caused me couple of days to figure out the answer is not complete - both the profile and the dependency is necessary. I hope no one will waste time on this again. Please see my complete code below:


Somehow, the eclipse in windows fails to pick up {java.home}. So, I had to set JAVA_HOME instead of java.home. JAVA_HOME was set in Run->Run Configurations->Environment. This worked for me with standard JDK(not Apple JDK).



I found a solution in Q: Declare maven dependency on tools.jar to work on JDK 9

As the actual maven wizardry is quite elaborate, surprising to newcomers and a subject of future improvements, it is better not co copy-paste it around. Hence this module exists so you do not have to know or care about the details. ~~ https://github.com/olivergondza/maven-jdk-tools-wrapper


The comment of Edward is correct.

You need the profile AND you need the dependency outside of the profiles block. The profile just determines which value ${toolsjar} is gonna get.


Proper instructions for beginners

First Add this profile to Pom.xml file above tag or somewhere else in it.


then Correct JRE path

Goto :

Windows > Preferecnes > Installed JREs

selected intalled JRE and double click on it or from right menu click edit and then make sure JRE Home path is inside JDK something like:

C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_181\\jre

if you have installed JRE seperatly then eclipse would have picked standalone JRE like:

C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_181\\

so change it to JRE which come with JDK:

C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_181\\jre

my solution:

  1. put the Sun's tools.jar to the $JAVA_HOME/lib
  2. make a symlink in the $JAVA_HOME/.. named lib where target will be $JAVA_HOME/lib

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