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Rails :dependent => :destroy in testing

I have in project.rb:

has_many :items, :dependent => :destroy

And in item.rb:

belongs_to :project

My projects fixture:

  title: B1's first project

And my items fixture:

  title: B1's first project's first item
  project: b1_s_first_project

In my unit test, I set local variables item = items(:b1_s_first_project_s_first_item) and project = projects(:b1_s_first_project) . When I call project.destroy , project.destroyed? returns true, but item.destroyed? returns nil, as if it hadn't been destroyed. What am I missing? Thanks in advance.


Just to provide an alternative method by leveraging .reload on the association record using the assertion assert_raise . This works under Rails 5, but should work in the the previous two versions.

Model set-up:

# foo.rb
class Foo < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :bars, dependent: :destroy

# bar.rb
class Bar < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :foo

Fixture set-up:

# foos.yml
    title: Hello

# bars.yml
    title: World!
    foo: oof

Model minitest:

test 'foo should destroy dependency bar on destroy' do
    foo, bar = foos(:off), bars(:rab)

    assert foo.destroy
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { bar.reload }

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