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IntelliJ says 'cannot run program '/path/to/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh' error=13 permission denied

In intelliJ ulimate, running a bare bone spring mvc application I get the error:

'cannot run program '/path/to/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh' error=13 permission denied

How to I fix this? (i'm on a mac)

In short, from a console:

chmod a+x /path/to/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh

This assumes that you 've elided the Tomcat path in your post, and checked that it really does exist on your system before posting here. Depending on the existing permissions of the file, you may need to issue the above command as a user with sufficiently elevated privileges.


chmod -R 777 apache-tomcat-directory

I meet this error today. It's because I take a wrong package of Tomcat6. In Max OS, I should download the tar.gz , but I download the zip . Make sure you get the right Tomcat package.

When I face with this problem I check:

Right click on catalina.sh -> Properties -> Permissions.

Do this everytime you run IntelliJ Idea, and free yourself from all that chmod nonesense

Linux users only(As I have found myself here):

Just go to the terminal and do su and while you received the "great power with great responsibility", go to /usr/local/bin and there you have your idea file, it gives root privileges to your IntelliJ Idea to never face permission problems, if you couldn't find the idea file just hop on Tools -> Create Command-line launcher to create a new one or just to look where the file is.

For running the idea file, just type idea in terminal while you are root user and hit enter.

had this problem with tomcat, no matter how many times you do the chmod stuff, when you dont have enough privilege in your user bank, you will mess things up with it.

Good luck.

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