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set the upload_tmp_dir but file no where to be found

I have a few image upload scripts and wordpress blog as well. I think the client tried to upload a 3mb+ images or so and since then everythings stopped working, to further inspection and adding error handlers i found out that


i cant touch the ini file, its shared hosting but i can create a local ini file

i've been told to add php.ini in the public_html folder it only works ie prints out the upload_tmp_dir when its in the same folder as the script anyway

i put this in the ini file upload_tmp_dir = "/home/USER/tmp" also tried upload_tmp_dir = "/home/USER/public_html/tmp"

but the first one is where the tmp folder was but i tried creating it else where with 777 permissions

leave ini in same folder as the script and calling echo ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');

gives me: [given i set it to that] /home/USER/tmp


gave me /tmp

anyway NOW i get no errors, says file is uploaded but its no where to be found. not sure WTF is going on but clients wrecking my head and so is this.

PHP will delete uploaded files when the script exits, unless you've moved/copied the file somewhere else yourself. The upload process isn't a "do it now and come back later to deal with it" system. It's "deal with it now, or it's gone".

To retrieve the file's temporary storage location/name, you use $_FILES['namegiveninform']['tmp_name'] , and generally would use move_uploaded_file() to move the file into its permanent storage location.

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