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How to find last index of foreach loop in smarty

How to get last index value of foreach loop in smarty,im new for smarty I have used this code but its not working

{foreach from=$cityList key=myId item=i name=foo}
 {$i.location_name}{if $main_smarty.foreach.foo.last}<hr>{else}-{/if}

i want that when their is last city name after this its come horizontal line otherwise its like india-USA-Japan- but at last it come Japan-china

In .php i use

$main_smarty = new Smarty;

query to find citylist

You're looking for this one:

{foreach from=$cityList key=myId item=i name=foo}
    {if $smarty.foreach.foo.last}
        <p>This is the last item from the array!</p>

As you see, the property you need to check is $smarty.foreach.foo.last where foo is the name of your object.

If $arr is the array you passed to the {foreach}, this will do the trick:


In fact, it does not have to be called inside a {foreach}

I think newer versions of Smarty have a newer technique of solving this problem than what the other answers show. The example from the latest docs (at the time of writing) is using the @last -property. You can use it like this: {if $item@last}...
Complete example:

{* Add horizontal rule at end of list *}
{foreach $items as $item}
  <a href="#{$item.id}">{$item.name}</a>{if $item@last}<hr>{else},{/if}
  ... no items to loop ...
{foreach from=$foo item=$bar name=foo}
    {if $smarty.foreach.foo.last}
        Total of({$smarty.foreach.foo.total}) Items <br />
        Data ({$bar})

This actually worked for me:


My solution:


    [0] => car
    [1] => toy
    [2] => cat
    [3] => gun
    [4] => dog


{foreach from=$interest key=$key item=$item}
    {$item.value}{if $key < ($interest|count - 1)}, {/if} 


My interest: 
car, toy, cat, gun, dog

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