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How to use ASP.Net server controls inside of Substitution control?

while the method we use in Substitution control should return strings, so how is it possible to use a donut caching in web forms on a server control which should be rendered server side?
for example Loginview control?

UPDATE This is now a fully working example. There a few things happening here:

  1. Use the call back of a substitution control to render the output of the usercontrol you need.
  2. Use a custom page class that overrides the VerifyRenderingInServerForm and EnableEventValidation to load the control in order to prevent errors from being thrown when the usercontrol contains server controls that require a form tag or event validation.

Here's the markup:

<asp:Substitution runat="server" methodname="GetCustomersByCountry" />

Here's the callback

public string GetCustomersByCountry(string country)
   CustomerCollection customers = DataContext.GetCustomersByCountry(country);

    if (customers.Count > 0)
        //RenderView returns the rendered HTML in the context of the callback
        return ViewManager.RenderView("customers.ascx", customers);
        return ViewManager.RenderView("nocustomersfound.ascx");

Here's the helper class to render the user control

public class ViewManager
    private class PageForRenderingUserControl : Page
        public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)
        { /* Do nothing */ }

        public override bool EnableEventValidation
            get { return false; }
            set { /* Do nothing */}

    public static string RenderView(string path, object data)
        PageForRenderingUserControl pageHolder = new PageForUserControlRendering();
        UserControl viewControl = (UserControl) pageHolder.LoadControl(path);

        if (data != null)
            Type viewControlType = viewControl.GetType();
            FieldInfo field = viewControlType.GetField("Data");
            if (field != null)
                field.SetValue(viewControl, data);
                throw new Exception("ViewFile: " + path + "has no data property");

        StringWriter result = new StringWriter();
        HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(pageHolder, result, false);
        return result.ToString();

See these related questions:

One thing Micah 's answer left out is that the substitution function must be static , accept a HttpContext parameter, and return a string . See this msdn page for more info.

I've also extended Micah 's helper class to be a little more flexible.


<asp:Substitution ID="Substitution1" MethodName="myFunction" runat="server" />


public static string myFunction(HttpContext httpContext){
   ViewManager vm = new ViewManager();

   //example using a Button control

   Button b = new Button();
   b.Text = "click me"; //we can set properties like this

   //we can also set properties with a Dictionary Collection
   Dictionary<string,object> data =  new Dictionary<string,object>();

   String s = vm.RenderView(b,data); //don't do anything (just for example)

   //we can also use this class for UserControls
   UserControl myControl = vm.GetUserControl("~mypath");

   data.add("myProp","some value");

   return vm.RenderView(myControl,data); //return for Substitution control


using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class ViewManager
    private PageForRenderingUserControl pageHolder;
    public ViewManager()
        pageHolder = new PageForRenderingUserControl();

    public UserControl GetUserControl(string path)
        return (UserControl)pageHolder.LoadControl(path);

    public string RenderView(Control viewControl, Dictionary<string, object> data)
        //Dim viewControl As UserControl = DirectCast(pageHolder.LoadControl(Path), UserControl)

        if (data != null) {
            Type viewControlType = viewControl.GetType();

            dynamic properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(viewControl);

            foreach (string x in data.Keys) {
                if ((properties.Item(x) != null)) {
                    properties.Item(x).SetValue(viewControl, data[x]);

        StringWriter result = new StringWriter();
        HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(pageHolder, result, false);
        return result.ToString();

    private class PageForRenderingUserControl : Page
        public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)
            // Do nothing 

        public override bool EnableEventValidation {
            get { return false; }
            // Do nothing 
            set { }


Thanks again to Micah for the code

I'm fairly certain you can't do this - the Substitution control will only allow you to insert a string into an outputcached page.
This makes sense if you think about the whole output of a server control, which could be a <table> that'll disrupt all your carefully crafted markup and/or something that requires a load of <script> injected into the page - whereas injecting a single string is something that's relatively straightforward.

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