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WCF IS One Way attribute


Marking your contract as One-Way means exactly that: messages flow in one way only. Clients won't get an answer or wait for the service to execute at all, so there's no way that your client could possibly get a reply or fault from the service most of the time.

If you want that, then maybe a One-Way service isn't for you and what you really want is a two-way service with an empty reply (ie void)

Does the OneWay method return a value or has ref/out parameter? If yes, then that's the reason you are getting InvalidOperationException. This is expected behavior as per MSDN help for OperationContractAttribute.IsOneWay Property ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.operationcontractattribute.isoneway(v=vs.110).aspx ).

Look for remarks section, it has following text:

One-way methods must not return a value or have ref or out parameters; otherwise a System.InvalidOperationException exception is thrown.

PS: I know it's too late to reply to the thread, but for someone like me who stumbles across the post after 3 years or so, it might be useful.

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