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Castle Windsor Transient Lifestyle Not Activating

I'm having a problem with a component in my container with a Transient lifestyle. The first time I call resolve, I hit the constructor of the implementation type as expected.

However, the second time I call resolve, a new instance is not constructed. Rather, the existing instance is reused. I don't think this should happen, since my component's LifestyleType is set to Transient (I have verified this at runtime in debugging mode at a breakpoint):

// 33 is the verified index of my component type...this returns Transient as expected

At the same breakpoint, I have run the following in the immediate window and verified that a new instance is not constructed:

  // this does NOT return a new instance!
  // ...It returns the same instance from the first time Resolve was called. 
  // I can tell by the state of the object and because the constructor on the object is not called.


I've narrowed the problem down, I think.

The below test fails:

    var container = new WindsorContainer();
    container.Kernel.AddComponent<MyLazyComponentLoader>(typeof (ILazyComponentLoader));

    var instance1 = container.Resolve<MyClass>();
    var instance2 = container.Resolve<MyClass>();

    Assert.AreNotSame(instance1, instance2);

MyLazyComponentLoader simply returns Component.For(service)

which is defaulting to Singleton LifestyleType (even though it shows up as Unknown on the ComponentModel. Is this by design?


Per Krzysztof Koźmic: Yes, the default lifestyle is singleton, Unknown means it's not specified explicitly, but Windsor treats it as if you specified Singleton. If you want it to be transient, be explicit.

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