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iPhone parallax scrolling with UITableView

I am creating a navigation based application, and throughout my application, I want to maintain an image as background. Also, I want parallax scrolling for the background, ie, when I scroll table view cells vertically, background image should scroll at a relatively slower speed. Also, my application has some images and text in detail views, which should scroll at higher speed and background at a lower speed. This I want is to create a 3D effect. I have gone through cocos2D framework, but its all apps shows a single view and two images, one for foreground and one for background. So I need some starting point, whether I am in right direction or not. Also, is it possible without using cocos2D? Please help me for this.

Thanks in advance.

Try to use the - (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView of UIScrollViewDelegate .
The table view is a sub-class of UIScrollView.

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