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get global ip address

如何获得(在C ++中)我的计算机的全局 IP地址(Windows XP)?

You can't.

You can determine the IP addresses on the various interfaces, and there may be more than one. These could be local area network IPs (,, etc.), or they might be internet routable.

You seem to be asking "if I have, how do I get my Internet IP?" There is not function call to do this: such an IP might exist, it might not exist, there might even be more than one.

The closest you can get is to have a known computer on the Internet tell you: connect to some other machine, and ask them to send back what they think your IP address is. There are a few websites out there for this, some might even have APIs to do this.

I feel like some home-routers might be able to tell you through uPnP too, but again, this will not cover all possible cases.

使用此纯文本IP url: get ip

On windows you need to get the local host name and then pass that to the gethostbyname function in winsock2 which returns the associated IP addresses.

Example: http://tangentsoft.net/wskfaq/examples/ipaddr.html

A stack overflow answer for Linux:

Get the IP address of the machine


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