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Running Django-Celery in Production

I've built a Django web application and some Django-Piston services. Using a web interface a user submits some data which is POSTed to a web service and that web service in turn uses Django-celery to start a background task.

Everything works fine in the development environment using manage.py. Now I'm trying to move this to production on a proper apache server. The web application and web services work fine in production but I'm having serious issues starting celeryd as a daemon. Based on these instructions: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/tutorials/daemonizing.html#running-the-worker-as-a-daemon I've created a celeryconfig.py file and stuck it in the /usr/bin directory (this is where celeryd is location on my arch linux server).

CELERYD="/srv/http/ControllerFramework/manage.py celeryd"

However when I try to start celeryd from the command line I get the following error:

 "Missing connection string! Do you have "
celery.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Missing connection string! Do you have    CELERY_RESULT_DBURI set to a real value?

Not sure where to go from here. Below is my settings.py section as it pertains to this problem:

BROKER_HOST = "localhost"
BROKER_USER = "controllerFramework"
BROKER_VHOST = "localhost"

So I ended up having a chat with the project lead on django-celery. Couple of things. First off celery must be run using 'manage.py celeryd'. Secondly, in the settings.py file you have to 'import djcelery' This import issue may be fixed in the next version but for now you have to do this.

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