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How can I access the mysql command line tool when using XAMPP in OS X?

I've got a vanilla install of XAMPP in OS X. How can I access the mysql command line tool? I've tried typing "mysql" at the command line, and it spits back "-bash: mysql: command not found".

XAMPP is installed in Mac OS X in the following directory:


You can look what's inside that directory and run mysql command line tool providing the full path to it:

$ /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql

If you need, you can modify your PATH environment variable to include XAMPP binaries and you won't need to specify the whole path all the time.

  1. Open your .profile file in Mac. This can be done by entering the terminal and typing

     pico ~/.profile 
  2. Add the following line to your ./profile file. Replace the path where you installed Xampp, however by default this is the route and should work:

     export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin:$PATH 
  3. Open a new terminal window (Recommendation is to quit all terminal windows and then reopen) and type:


That is all, isn't easy!!

Before using the mysql command, make sure that you start up the server first by running

$ mysql.server start

Then you will be able to use the commands mysqladmin and mysql .

To shut it down, run

$ mysql.server stop

and to restart just use

$ mysql.server restart

Very intuitive.

Open terminal and Follow this bellow step to add mysql to your mac environmental variable

step 1:

sudo nano ~/.bash_profile

step 2:

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin:$PATH

save it by control+x and then y and hit return. That's it!! now close the terminal and reopen

mysql --version

this will tell you which MySQL version you are using with xampp

Since I cannot comment on the accepted answer by Pablo Santa Cruz - Here's some additional info. If you're going to modify your PATH environment variable to include XAMPP binaries, make sure you add


and not


to the /etc/paths file. To do this run the command

sudo nano /etc/paths

then add the path to the file. Save using Ctrl+O and exit using Ctrl+X. Quit terminal and open again.

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