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Installing Rcpp in R 2.10 on Ubuntu

I'm trying to install Rcpp on Ubuntu 10.04 and getting this error (which implies that it doesn't exist):

> install.packages("Rcpp")
Warning in install.packages("Rcpp") :
  argument 'lib' is missing: using '/home/vadmin/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.10'
Warning message:
In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) :
  package ‘Rcpp’ is not available

I have a working R instance and have installed many other packages.


Now I'm getting this error when running R CMD build Rcpp on the source code off svn:

** building package indices ... Error : running Stangle on vignette '/home/vadmin/src/R/rcpp/pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-modules.Rnw' failed with message: invalid value for 'lang' : cpp ERROR: installing package indices failed * removing '/tmp/Rinst3041838816/Rcpp' ERROR Installation failed.

A few things:

  • thanks for your interest in Rcpp :-)

  • it has been on CRAN as Rcpp for years; if you get a Rcpp not available error then you are looking at a bad CRAN mirror and I suggest using a different one

  • Ubuntu also has their Rcpp version of the Rcpp Debian package so you could just do 'sudo apt-get install r-cran-rcpp' (but that may be a dated version, alas)

In general, Romain and I suggest for Rcpp questions to come to the rcpp-devel list .

I'm JIPerotti from Argentina. First, sorry for my english. I had the same problem as stated here. But I solve it and may be useful to others. I have Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala on a Pentium Dual Core T4200 (x86_64), successfully upgraded R to the 2.12.1 version, and then successfully installed Rcpp version 0.9.0

I make a kind of logbook with the process which I wrote in my blog:


I don't know so much about this page, so I hope not write this where I should not (sorry if it is the case).

Best regards

I was helped by uninstalling R, and reinstalling the developer version:

sudo apt-get install r-base-dev

Then installing Rcpp in R:


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