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What is the difference if(“test”) and if(!!“test”)


The question has a double negation expressson, that converts the type to boolean.


var x = "test";

x === true; // evaluates to false

var x = !!"test";

x === true; //evalutes to true

!! will convert a "truthy" value in true, and a "falsy" value on false.

"Falsy" values are the following:

  • false
  • 0 (zero)
  • "" (empty string)
  • null
  • undefined
  • NaN

If a variable x has any of these, then !!x will return false . Otherwise, !!x will return true .

On the practical side, there's no difference between doing if(x) and doing if(!!x) , at least not in javascript: both will enter/exit the if in the same cases.

EDIT: See http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2009/07/01/javascript-truthy-falsy/ for more info

!! does type conversion to a boolean, where you are just dropping it in to an if, it is AFAIK, pointless.

There is no functional difference. As others point out,


converts to string to a boolean.

Think of it like this:


First, "test" is evaluated as a string. Then !"test" is evaluated. As ! is the negation operator, it converts your string to a boolean. In many scripting languages, non-empty strings are evaluated as true, so ! changes it to a false. Then !(!"test") is evaluated, changing false to true.

But !! is generally not necessary in the if condition as like I mention it already does the conversion for you before checking the boolean value. That is, both of these lines:

if ("test")
if (!!"test")

are functionally equivalent.

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