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Mediawiki Database Error 1205

I just installed a fresh copy of mediawiki on http://konton.us/wiki

I was all happy playing around with my wiki, filling up the place with information and suddently, when I created an article by the name of Gameplay_Mechanics, it all went dead.


I got this error:

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "". Database returned error "1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction (internal-db.s76387.gridserver.com)".

I was able to fix it by 'emptying' the article and then saving it - only to repopulate it again but...it happened less than 1 day later...again, so I'm kind of wondering what is the ACTUAL ROOT CAUSE of this ridiculous error.

All help is appreciated

Are you using MySQL 5.1.26rc for a specific reason? Maybe upgrade to 5.1.49?


This looks more like your database server being too busy. This error is often a sign of deadlocked transactions, although I'm not sure MediaWiki even uses transactions.

Are there many users visiting your site? Perhaps you're sharing your hosting with another high-traffic site?

Try deleting the page, then recreating it with a slightly different name. It might just be a weird fluke thing having to do with that page specifically.

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