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Wordpress - Plugin. using remove_action for favorite_actions

Learning php, figure as well as following tutorials doing some practical useful stuff is import. So a wordpress plugin....

Trying to remove the favorite actions box that you get in the wordpress admin header.

Plugin Name: Hide Favorite Actions
Plugin URI: http://www.mysite.com
Description: Allows you to remove the Screen Options and Help tabs from view
Author: Tai Havard
Version: 1.0
Author URI: 


function removeHelpAndScreenOptions()


Plugins activated, function runs, I'm just not sure how to get hold of the favorite_actions correctly and wether remove_action is the correct function for use with the favorite_actions hook.


Here's how remove action works:

remove_action( 'hook_name', 'function_name' );

That says you want to remove the function function_name from the hook hook_name . I don't know what the hook and function are fore removing help and screen options, though. If I remember correctly, those tabs are hardcoded into the actual admin pages.

I used that code and got an error in a template.php (presumably expecting an array) The box disappears if you return with an empty element, something like this:

add_filter('favorite_actions', 'no_fav');
function no_fav($actions) {
    $actions = array(
        '' => array(__(''), '')
    return $actions;

I just deleted the strings, somebody could probably write a more elegant empty array.

In your plugin just add

function rb_ax() {
add_filter( 'favorite_actions', 'rb_ax' );

And you're done.

this works for me, wp 3.0.5

 * Remove "Favorite actions" from Admin
add_filter('favorite_actions', 'no_fav');
function no_fav($actions) {
    return array();

I put it in functions.php, but it would probably work fine as a plugin.

returning nothing (void?) works, but writes Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()...

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