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Machinist for Non-ActiveRecord Models

Is it possible to use Machinist to create blueprints for non-activerecord models? Seems to generate an error no matter what I try!

If this is impossible with Machinist, is there another fixture generating gem that can do it? I've also read that Factory Girl has issues with this.

I did a little bit of investigating into Machinist 2 beta 1 and it looks like it supports plain ruby objects. Here's what I did to get it working. Happy to learn of any simpler solutions.

require 'rubygems'
require 'machinist'
require 'faker'

class YourObject
 attr_accessor :field1, :field2

# For all Objects
class Object
 extend Machinist::Machinable

 def self.blueprint_class

# Or just one object
YourObject.send(:extend, Machinist::Machinable)
YourObject.class_eval do
 def self.blueprint_class

YourObject.blueprint do
 field1 { rand(1000) }
 field2 { Faker::Name }

obj = YourObject.make

In case anyone's curious, one of the problems (there may be others) with FactoryGirl and POROs is that it doesn't handle constructors with arguments. You can make due per the answer here .

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