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Grab product code from a url, do I need regex for this?

A url looks like:


I need to extract the value: abc23423

I tried this regex but its not working:

rx = re.compile(r'PC=(\w*)&uy=')

I then I did:

pc = rx.search(url).groups()

but I get an error:

attribute error: nonetype object has no attribute groups.



Sheesh. What was I thinking?

import urlparse
u = 'http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/blahblah?&PC=abd23423&uy=020'
query = urlparse.urlparse(u).query
urlparse.parse_qs(query) # {'PC': ['abd23423'], 'uy': ['020']}

Original Answer

This code snippet worked for me. Take a look:

import urlparse, re

u = 'http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/blahblah?&PC=abd23423&uy=020'
query = urlparse.urlparse(u).query

pattern = re.compile('PC=(\w*)&uy')
pattern.findall(query) # ['abd23423']
lol = "http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/blahblah?&PC=abd23423&uy=020"
s = re.compile("&PC=(\w+)&uy=")
g = s.search(lol)

This seems to work for me.

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