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comparing timestamps

HI, My php is very rusty and I can't quite remember how to do this.

I have a script that i only want to call every 15 minutes. I've created a table called last_updated. What I want to do is have some code at the top of my script that queries this last_updated table and if now() minus the last updated is greater than 15 minutes then run the script and also update last_updated to now...if it isn't don't run the script. Does this make sense?

Now I know when I'm updating last_updated I need to use now() To put a new timestamp in but I;m not sure how to do the comparing of now with the db value to see if it's greater then 15 mins.

Any ideas

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=your_host;dbname=your_database', $user, $password, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE=>PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));

// query the database. change 
$stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_updated_date) FROM last_updated ORDER BY last_updated_date DESC LIMIT 1');

$lastUpdatedTimestamp = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

if ((time() - $lastUpdatedTimestamp) > (60 * 15)) {
    // do stuff

time() gives you the current time in seconds. You should probably unroll 60 * 15 to 900, I just provided it with both numbers to illustrate what was going on.

Also, a file might be better for this than a database table. Have a look at the touch() function. It changes the modification time of a file, or creates an empty file with the current time as the mod time if it doesn't exist. You can check the file mod time with filemtime()

$lastUpdated = null;
$file = '/path/to/writable/file/with/nothing/in/it';

if (file_exists($file)) {
    $lastUpdated = filemtime($lastUpdated);

if (!$lastUpdated || (time() - $lastUpdated) > 900) {
    // do stuff

You seem to use MySQL as the DBMS. In that case and if you want you can let MySQL do most of the work:

  pit < Now()-Interval 15 Minute as mustUpdate

pit is your DateTime field and siteId is some condition you may have if you store more than one record in the table (which sounds like a good idea to me).
The result (if there is such a record with siteId=? ) contains a field mustUpdate which either contains 0 or 1 , 1 indicating that the value of pit is more than 15 minutes in the past.

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