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How do I restore one database from a mysqldump containing multiple databases?

I have a mysql dump with 5 databases and would like to know if there is a way to import just one of those (using mysqldump or other).

Suggestions appreciated.

You can use the mysql command line --one-database option.

mysql> mysql -u root -p --one-database YOURDBNAME < YOURFILE.SQL

Of course be careful when you do this.

You can also use a mysql dumpsplitter .

You can pipe the dumped SQL through sed and have it extract the database for you. Something like:

cat mysqldumped.sql | \
sed -n -e '/^CREATE DATABASE.*`the_database_you_want`/,/^CREATE DATABASE/ p' | \
sed -e '$d' | \

The two sed commands:

  1. Only print the lines matching between the CREATE DATABASE lines (including both CREATE DATABASE lines), and
  2. Delete the last CREATE DATABASE line from the output since we don't want mysqld to create a second database.

If your dump does not contain the CREATE DATABASE lines, you can also match against the USE lines.

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