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Counting the number of results returned by a database query in Codeigniter

I am not having much luck detecting when a database query in Codeigniter returns zero results. I have had a good read of the notes on the PHP count function but am none the wiser!

I call the query/view as follows from the controller:

$data['result'] = $this->search_model->do_search(set_value('name'));
$data['title'] = "Search results";

The view generates a results table for me OK, but when I try and trap an empty result, the count always returns 1:

I have tried if count(array($result)) and just if count($result)

So what's a good way to get the count? I'm using Fedora 13 with PHP 5.3.3 on my dev laptop.

看看$query->num_rows (< - clickable)。

The best thing to do in your model is the following:

$query = $this->db->something()....
if ( $query->num_rows() > 0 )
    return $query->result();
    return FALSE;

Then in your controller or view you would do the following:

if ( !empty($my_db_result) ) 

This process enables you to respond on the result based on the result type. If the rows could be retrieved this will return an array of which the items can be counted by PHP's count() function. Since the second block checks if the result is empty (note that "FALSE" is treated as being empty) you won't bump into any issues (eg when using a foreach loop) and you can specify what to do in case there were no results.

for example i count to show admins connected ans users connected


in users i add table : [status] [int] [1]

in users also i have : [role] [varchar] [255]

Update statut to 1 (onligne) in login validation()

$update = array('status' => 1);

and the model :

public function update_onligne($email,$update){
        return true;

Update status to offline in logout()

Logout controller :

public function logout(){
        $id = $this->session->userdata('id');
        $update = array('status' =>0);

Logout model :

public function logout($id,$update){
        $this->db->update('users', $update);

Count Onligne :

The Controller :

$data['admin_onligne'] = $this->model_users->count_onligne_admin();
$data['user_onligne'] = $this->model_users->count_onligne_users();

The Model :

public function count_onligne_admin(){
            $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(status) AS enligneadmin FROM users WHERE status=1 AND role="admin"')->row_object();
            return $query->enligneadmin;

public function count_onligne_users(){
            $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(status) AS enligneuser FROM users WHERE status=1 AND role="etudiant"')->row_object();
            return $query->enligneuser;

The Viewer

<span><?php echo $user_onligne ;?> User en ligne</span>
<span><?php echo $admin_onligne ;?> Admin en ligne</span>

i'm dowing this and it workd for me


$id = $this->session->userdata('id');

Model Users

public function if_user_dont_have_email($id){
    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE id='$id'");
    if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
        $row = $query->row_array(); 
            return true;
            return false;

尝试if(isset($result) && count($result))在你的视图文件上,然后在if语句中你可以编写你想要执行的代码,当你的数据库中的插入超过0时...祝你好运!

If you put count($result) in if statement then when it succeds, it returns only 1 .

You can try $query->num_rows() in a different way.

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