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Why is HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returning 1?

I have a piece of Java code that opens a HTTP connection, writes data on that and then retrieves the response code. Since, the connectin was fine it should get HTTP_OK (ie 200) but it is getting 1 in return.

This is baffling as 1 appears nowhere in the Http Response code specification. Could anyone throw some ideas on the potential problem area?

Following is the piece of code:

URL tempURL = new URL("http://www.google.com");

obj_URLHttpConnectionServlet = (HttpURLConnection)tempURL.openConnection();

OutputStream obj_OutputStream = obj_URLHttpConnectionServlet.getOutputStream();

obj_OutputStream = null;

int iResponseCode = obj_URLHttpConnectionServlet.getResponseCode();
System.out.println("Response code received is : " + iResponseCode);


Response code received is : 1

Because the server side has set it to 1 . If this is under your control, then check/fix the code responsible for that. If this is outside your control, report/contact the site admin.

Update : As per the comments, Fiddler confirmed that the server side has set the first line of the response header to HTTP/200 1 . That's plain weird. It should look more like HTTP/1.1 200 . The part before the space should indicate the protocol/version and the part after the space should indicate the response code. This look more and more a server side issue. I'd contact the site admin.

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