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MQ Pure Java Client Lib

I am evaluating Websphere MQ7. I am a traditionally a TibRV guy. One thing I do not like is the fact that the IBM java client libs require C++ libs in order to run. Is there anyway to run the IBM java client libs without requiring the C++ libs? eg is there a pure java client library for MQ ?

I have previously written a JMS client to MQSeries v6 (not your version, I know) without needing to install native libs. The only IBM libraries I required were titled:

  • com.ibm.mq-6.jar
  • com.ibm.mqbind.jar
  • com.ibm.mqjms-6.jar

According to this post they come with the client install. I assume you can install it once, then re-use the jars (any licensing issues and expert opinions aside).

EDIT: In response to your comment, here's the client code I hacked up. It is for reading messages from a queue and blatting them to files. It's written in Scala. I hope it helps somewhat.

import com.ibm.mq._
import java.text._
import java.io._

case class QueueDetails(hostname: String, channel: String, 
  port: Int, queueManager: String, queue: String)

class Reader(details: QueueDetails) {
  def read = {
    MQEnvironment.hostname = details.hostname
    MQEnvironment.channel = details.channel
    MQEnvironment.port = details.port
    val props = new java.util.Hashtable[String, String]
    MQEnvironment.properties = props
    val qm = new MQQueueManager(details.queueManager)
    val q = qm.accessQueue(details.queue, options, null, null, null)
    val depth = q.getCurrentDepth
    val indexFormat = new DecimalFormat(depth.toString.replaceAll(".", "0"))

    def exportMessage(index: Int): Unit = {
      if (index < depth) {
        val msg = new MQMessage
        q.get(msg, new MQGetMessageOptions)
        val msgLength = msg.getMessageLength
        val text = msg.readStringOfByteLength(msgLength)
        val file = new File("message_%s.txt".format(indexFormat.format(index)))
        val writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
        exportMessage(index + 1)


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