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How to append a <li> as the first list item in a <ul>

I have a html page (index.html) which calls the ajax page(aj.php). The Ajax Page will return some number of <li> 's, like

<li>Blue Flower</li>
<li>White Assassin</li>

I already have some list items in the <ul> of the html page(index.html). When i try to append the result of the ajax page ie, <li> 's, it is appending at the last.

I want the <li> 's which returned from ajax page should be at first. How to achieve this. Please help. Any help will be appreciated

如果你想首先拥有这些物品,它的前置 ,不附加:-)

Are you looking for the .prependTo() function of jQuery? Docs are here .

So it'd be something like:

var returnedLIs = fromPHP;
$(returnedLIs).prependTo($('your ul'));

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