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Vector sorting: swap overload

I would like to overload swap function for std::vector of primitive types / objects. The reason is a slow sorting of vectors containing big objects using std::sort. Here is the simple but not working example.

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class Point
    double x, y;
    Point(double xx, double yy) : x(xx), y(yy) {}

    bool operator < ( const Point& p ) const
        return x < p.x;

    void swap(Point &p)
        std::swap(*this, p);


namespace std
void swap( Point &p1, Point &p2)

typedef  std::vector<Point> TPoints;
int main()
Point p1(0,0);
Point p2(7,100);

TPoints points;

    //Overloaded metod swap will not be called
std::sort(points.begin(), points.end());

Unfortunately during the std::sort overloaded method is not called. I suppose the vector containing objects will be similar situation... Thanks for yout help...

The proper way to implement swap is:

class foo
    void swap(foo& pOther)
        using std::swap; // enable ADL
        swap(member1, pOther.member1); // for all members

// allows swap to be found with ADL (place in same namespace as foo)
void swap(foo& pFirst, foo& pSecond)

// allows swap to be found within std
namespace std
    // only specializations are allowed to
    // be injected into the namespace std
    template <>
    void swap(foo& pFirst, foo& pSecond)

However, it only makes sense to do this when you need to write the Big Three (you're managing some resource ).

You aren't, so I don't see the point. (All your swap will do is copy around some doubles, just like the default std::swap would.)

You have to specialize the std::swap template, not overload it.


namespace std
    void swap<Point>( Point &p1, Point &p2)

sort probably calls the swap member function of vector. You cant do what you are doing anyway, redefining std::swap is going to play havoc under the hood.

Plus - are you sure that double, double counts as big?

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