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PHP return JS UTC date format

Is there any way I can return a date using PHP that is the same format that Date.UTC(y,m,d) returns?

Here is an example of the format I need:

1274745600000 (Apr 25, 2010)


$date = '13-09-2010 00:00:00';
echo  (strtotime($date) * 1000) - (strtotime('02-01-1970 00:00:00') * 1000);


Date.UTC(2010, 9, 13);


The way it returns OUTPUT is the milliseconds from January 1, 1970 to July 8, 2005, according to universal time: which you can get by mktime and appending three 0 like this:

echo mktime(0, 0, 0, 9, 15, 2010).'000';

This will display:


And you can use date function to get in JS UTC INPUT format:

echo date("Y,n,j");

This will display:


Inside your function use


This set the default timezone to use. Available since PHP 5.1.And you can simply echo date by date() function.

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